Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything because I've been in the middle of nowhere freezing my *arms* off, for a change. My 5th Summer in Greenland.

We fly in and out from Kangerlussuaq, a strange and quirky ex-US air force base in a beautiful spot. Most Greenlandic towns are quaint, beautiful and on the coast. Kanger is none of the above, but grows on you the more time you spend in the area! The most spectacular aspect of the town is the gigantic river that flows down from the Russell Glacier past town. In winter it is a dry valley, but in summer it's a raging torrent. It's also the site of some of Greenland's rare orchids due to it's unusual microclimate and the stunning Russell Glacier which is a short trip by 4x4.

My job around camp is difficult to describe really. A bit of everything. Field Assistant is the technical term on the contract, and "surface man" is written on the board in camp, but I heard two amusing ones this summer as well. A TV crew interviewed me on film and introduced me as the "snow manager." Snow is probably more difficult to manage than Amy Winehouse, the phrase "Herding Cats" comes to mind.
The one that made me chuckle the most, however, was "camp photographer" (part of my work there involves getting images for the web diaries and press releases.) This is always lost on other nationailites.
Camp is a word with only one real meaning in other countries. However, for those international readers who are confused or want to improve their English (Emilie...), the definition of "camp(adj)" in a UK Dictionary is: "deliberately behaving in a way that some people think is typical of a homosexual" It sort of conjures up an image of me in a tight t-shirt, touching everyone's arm as I mince around taking photos of people in their "gorgeous polar clothing darling". Perhaps I should move to Brighton?
I would like to point out that working at NEEM is actually work, (and I enjoy most of it!) and to be honest I don't take many photos whilst working as I'm either too busy, or the subject (a pallet of cargo or my shovel perhaps) isn't that interesting photographically. This means that, as many people tell me, most of my photos are of people looking like they're enjoying themselves and having fun (as this post will no doubt confirm)
Perhaps they are? The Project Leader, Dorthe, is keen that people have an enjoyable experience and encourages people to have fun. If you're working in a trench at -20 degrees for 11 hours a day then surely you should have some fun inbetween? Sometimes I get asked to make some things to "facilitate" some fun. Sometimes I just do it anyway. This year I was asked to build a snow bar for a Saturday night party and pulled out all the stops!

Polar Bear Courtesy of Fernando, below in full sculpting mode...

One of the unique things about the camp is that are 14 different nationalities involved, and each nation sends staff. It means therefore that it's a crazy mix of enthusiastic people from all levels of science, with a bunch of us non scientific staff thrown in for good measure. There are phD and masters students cutting slices of ice next to the top Climate scientists in the World.

Obviously it's not all play. The camp was set up to drill an ice core to bedrock and also to process and analyze some of the ice on site. To be honest, I feel sorry for the ice in some ways, it is treated in a way that could make a horror movie. It is drilled from the ground using razor sharp cutters and then cut up into pieces...

And that's basically what the camp is for - to drill, process and fly out the longest ice core climate record in the Northern Hemisphere (somewhere in the region of 130,000 years)
There's up to 39 people at camp working, and then sometimes we get visitors - VIP's, press, educational visits and occasionally birds. This year was particularly interesting as we had a young Peregrine Falcon stay with us for a few days. We consulted some falcon experts and the decision was made to feed it for a few days and then stop - giving it energy and then motivation to fly away, which seemed to work!
There's up to 39 people at camp working, and then sometimes we get visitors - VIP's, press, educational visits and occasionally birds. This year was particularly interesting as we had a young Peregrine Falcon stay with us for a few days. We consulted some falcon experts and the decision was made to feed it for a few days and then stop - giving it energy and then motivation to fly away, which seemed to work!

And now I think it's time for a bunch of photos and none of the chat. NEEM's always work hard, play hard, and the crazy mix of people always makes it's a great season.

So all in all another great season. LOTS of photos in one hit this time, hopefully you made it all the way to this bit without falling asleep. And next? A little trip to the Dolomites coming very soon, watch this space!
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nice post
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